Introduction to Rocketry - Novice

Welcome to the course! We are so glad you're here! The universe has always captured the wonder and curiosity of human beings, and recently it's become a source of much renewed scientific interest. The media is currently flooded with stories of people launching into space with a wide array of goals, ranging from exploration to settlement, and even entertainment! The goal of this course is to focus on how scientists and engineers make that happen. Your mission will ultimately be to design and launch a model rocket with the appropriate payload to resupply the International Space Station. This course will walk you through the different stages of rocket preparation and, ultimately, LAUNCH and flight analysis. We hope you will enjoy the ride as we "take data to new heights"!

Before You Begin

Module 1: Introduction to Rocketry

Module 2: Fundamentals of Rocketry: Getting the Rocket Off the Ground

Module 3: Rocket Build

Module 4: Predicting, Tracking, and Influencing Rocket Flight

Module 5: Rocket Launch

Module 6: Rocket Data Analysis and Conclusion

  • schedule
    10 hrs   0 min
  • assessment
  • school
    8th grade, 9th grade, 10th grade